Price Match

We check our competitor prices so our shoppers don’t have to!

Price check

The EUROSPAR Price Match or Better programme

EUROSPAR knows the importance of value to our shoppers and that is why we check our competitor prices so our shoppers don’t have to!

EUROSPAR check the single item price of branded grocery products on every 3 weeks and any changes to prices go live in store 7 days later. Price Match or Better, where indicated, is to Tesco standard non promotional quoted retail prices. Where a product is price matched the price will be no higher than the equivalent Tesco price, but may be less.

View Terms & Conditions of the programme here:

Eurospar Price check

EUROSPAR Price Check programme

EUROSPAR Price Check programme compares a selected range of products* to competitor prices. We check this selected range of products against competitor products and prices every six weeks in Aldi, Lidl and Dealz. We check the single price of equivalent products every 6 weeks on Any changes to prices at a competitor outlet will be reflected in the EUROSPAR ‘Price Check’ programme within 14 days of identification.

Our ‘Price Check’ range is subject to change on-going.

View Terms & Conditions of the programme here:

Save with SPAR RANGE

Our SPAR Own Brand range brings everyday value to shoppers.

SuperEasy Rewards

SuperEasy Rewards is an exclusive Reward member programme offered by EUROSPAR supermarkets exclusively.